Friday, May 26, 2006

Murdoch's UK Times newspaper to launch in US

The Times, Rupert Murdoch's London-based newspaper, is launching a US edition next month that will be printed at facilities owned by its News Corp sibling the New York Post. The move apparently comes following the recent popularity of its international online version in the US.

This is indeed an interesting if somewhat strange move at a time when most newspapers are retrenching/struggling following reductions in readership and print ad dollars/pounds/euoro's/whatever!

But it does mark an interesting milestone as the move has been led by the success of its online version. Indeed it could be that online newspapers will increasingly become testbeds for international markets and are certainly a lot cheaper than a full blown print tests.

The questions is who will read the US version of the Times? I guess initially British expats who recognize and value(?) the brand. Mind you, given that they have chosen to launch it as the World Cup soccer commences - no prizes for guessing what content they'll be focussing on to attract new readers.

Oh and it'll cost $1 which will at least make it cheaper than the US version of the Financial Times!! Tough luck America, you're about to experience a daily dose of UK style broadsheet journalism.

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