Thursday, May 18, 2006

Could IBM, Microsoft or Google buy SAP?

Reuters has just reported that a SAP co-founder and major shareholder said that only three US companies are capable of buying the world's biggest maker of software applications for businesses, Financial Times Deutschland reported in an article due to be published tomorrow (Oooh, this is almost a scoop!).

And those companies are: (da, da, da da, da ta, ta, ta - that's a fanfare silly) IBM, Microsoft (OK, so no surprises so far) AND Google! What???? Yep, Google...

The SAP co-founder, Hasso Plattner, hastily added that nothing is going on - which is corporate voodoo mumbo jumbo for "come and buy us guys." And strategically this is probably as good a time as any for SAP investors to sell out - for their stock price may have peaked (it has gone up a huge amount in the last couple of years) and competition will soon hot up as Oracle gets their act together post their monster acquisition spree.

But I still don't quite get the Google thingy other than the fact that everyone thinks Google is cool right now. Merging with IBM or Microsoft would be a no brainer, approvals aside, but Google...???!!!

Or maybe Mr Plattner is smarter than at first meets the ear (after all he has made $5bn plus from his ownership in SAP) maybe SAP and Google together could instantly create a global software juggernaut to take on both IBM and Microsoft and ignite SAP/business apps-on-demand and corporate search.

Mmmm, I ike it. Ot maybe Google should just buy - it would sure cost them a load less.

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