Monday, May 01, 2006

Blackberry maker RIM gets sued again!

Poor old RIM. They have just emerged from a long and painful patent dispute with NTP which cost them a whopping $612M to settle and now they are being sued again - this time by US rival Visto.

Visto are currently feeling somewhat pleased with themselves as they have just successfully sued another rival Seven Networks and on Friday a Texas jury found that Seven had willfully infringed on three separate Visto wireless e-mail patents and awarded Visto about $3.6m in damages. Nice if you can get it. Seven will appeal etc etc.

But, this has given them the hutspa to go after leader of the mobile email space RIM. So now we can all look forward to another mind bogglingly dull and painful patent battle in the coporate mobile email space.

It makes you wonder whether the whole system for patent infringement cases should be reviewed, as innovators of new technologies seem to make/lose more money and time from sitting in court than serving their customers.

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