Monday, June 26, 2006

Intel finallly strike back at AMD - big time!

Intel has launched its opening gambit in a triple-play to win back market share from its biggest rival AMD, introducing its first chip based on a new architecture in five years.

The world’s largest chipmaker today released its dual-core Xeon Processor 5100 Series, formerly codenamed Woodcrest, which is targeted at the server market where AMD has made the biggest inroads into its business.

And they need it 'cos Intel’s server chips have underperformed those of AMD over the past two years and their market share has slipped from 95% to 78%, according to Mercury Research.

But the new architecture, which focuses on energy, or performance per watt (Zzzzzzzzzz...), will be rolled out this summer across over a hundred server types starting with Dell and then across PC's and laptops.

Intel had better cross their fingers that this move's gonna work and AMD had better go like mad to take their next technological leap! It would be a shame to see them lose momentum now - Intel need the competition.

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