Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tech giants stumble, falter and rise - its earnings kick-off!

Well, its the opening of the tech quarterly reporting season. Today saw Motorola, IBM, Intel and Yahoo all let their pants down!

And it was a mixed bag. IBM and Motorola are up. IBM thanks to cornering the tech services market and some savvy software company acquisitions and Motorola thanks to the Razr and somer nifty anacronysmic marketing with the Rokr, Slvr, Razr and all new Krzr (is that for cursor or CRAZY??).

Meanwhile Intel and Yahoo predictably sank, both weighed down by market share losses to their biggest respective competitors. At least Intel's performance was not as bad as some (analysts) expected.

Intel also has the benefit to come of a rash of new products (and whacky brands to boot) while Yahoo still does not have Facebook. They may need them after these results.

And Yahoo's losses are Google's gains. (Or is it the other way round??)

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