Monday, January 16, 2006

Mozilla to launch Firefox for Intel Mac's in March

The Mozilla Foundation has set a March launch date for a version of its Firefox Web browser that will run on Apple Computer's Intel version of the Mac OS X.

Firefox now has about 10% of the browser market, still a long long way behind Microsoft's Internet Explorer, but they have made some interesting moves recently.

For Firefox is now bundled in the Google Pack of free software that seems to be proving an early success with both analysts and users. Anyone who can jump on Google's coat tails at the moment is almost bound to do well. Then to follow this with a jump onto Apple's coat tails could make 2006 a good year for Firefox.

Their announcement stands out as they seem to be one of the earliest software companies to announce a concrete date for the Apple port to Intel chips. Can Firefox grab 20% of the browser market? It may well prove harder than winning the first 10%, but moves like this make it easier. How about Firefox for mobile or set top boxes?

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