Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Wed - Sad day for IBM traditionalists

Another nail sank into the coffins of IBM traditionalists as Leonovo add a new colour to the ever black Thinkpad series, with the launch of the new Z-Series laptop. IBM PC's and laptops had always been offered in one colour and one colour only, proving just how much flair their marketers have.

Now IBM traditionalists must be spinning in their graves as the new Thinkpads from Lenovo are coming out with a "special edition" brush titanium cover as well as the traditional black. The fact that traditionalists are upset just proves how badly the PC division needed to be sold to someone else.

Lenovo are moving fast, as the new Z-Series is also aimed at the consumer and small business market, whereas under IBM their PC's were solely sold to large corporate customers. Look out Dell and HP.

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