Stupeflix, (stupid!) is a Web 2.0 start-up offering mash-ups of your latest pics, words and videos to produce a professional looking video - stupid! It reminds me of Apple's iMovie for the Web. So for all of you who do not own a Mac or are too lazy to figure out iMovie here's one for you.
Also, if you use your smartphone to shoot movies and take pics they have a nifty way to mash 'em together without the vid/pic/word thing looking to kitsch. Or amateur.
For the rest of us I guess we'll hang onto our MacBooks and use iMovie a while longer. But they're worth watching...
1 comment:
Yes, we know our name does not sound well. But this way you will remember it even more easily ;-)
I just wanted to precise a point: our goal is not to replace iMovie or similar software. The web may not be ready for this, as upload times for video are still too long, for example.
Our point is automation. When you have loads of videos to create, using a common template, each day, week, or for every item in a database, you can't rely on a point and click interface. What's the main interest of Stupeflix.
That's said, thank you for post, and keep watching, there will be interesting things to come in the next weeks !
François, for the Stupeflix Team
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