Saturday, October 25, 2008

Typepad's 5 - And?

Typepad is 5 years old! And it should act as a reminder for how far the now mainstream media blogging model has come in such nano-time. Because if you look at the world's top 10 most visited blogsites, not only do they possess reach that travels further than most national newspapers, but they are all less than 5 years old.

Typepad and Google's Blogger are the carriers, birthplace and initial platform of choice for nearly every leading blog. And the worlds largest, such as the Huffington Post and TechCrunch are probably worth $100 million plus to some media conglomerate that needs digital sprucing - after all look how CNET duped er sold to NBC.

So thx Typepad, rock on SixApart and good luck to the next generation of bloggers. Consider yourselves forever fortunate you weren't blogging on Typepad or Blogger Version 1 - those were the days. Not.

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